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Bia Hoi

Little out of the way cafes here and there display the sign "Bia Hoi". It is the cheapest beer you might ever buy. From 3000 dong for a liter or as low as 1000 a glass.That's less than 30 cents a litre and the alcohol content varies and after the second glass, I had to say ":That's got bells on it". I could feel the kick. Most is around the 5% alcohol content, but many ex-pats living there say they have encountered the same as the first I tried where it measures in closer to 10%.  I thought I made up the cliche, but I have since heard others say it... "With Bia Hoi, you can get shit faced and still have change from a dollar".
The pic here of a Bia Hoi tank/vat shows the price of 55000 a liter. It was actually 5000 a liter. This was the only one of two places selling bia hoi in a town of 35,000 in the Mekong Delta.

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